Some considerations about the literary work of Bernard Cornwell

  • Isabelle Maria Soares UENP
  • Edson Santos Silva
Palavras-chave: Bernard Cornwell; English Literature; Historical Fiction


This article aims to convey into the academic sphere the literary work of the British author Bernard Cornwell. Besides presenting a biography of the author, considering that Cornwell is a bestseller writer, the article discuss about mass literature, through the view of Sodré (1988), Abreu (2004), Eagleton (2008) and Dering (2012). Then, the critical fortune of the author that is exposed, points out the importance of the writer's fiction for the dialogues between history and literature, demonstrating that one cannot limit mass literature as a simple market product, but as a cultural outcome of great importance for the human sciences. In this sense, the article ends by suggesting that Bernard Cornwell's literature can be considered a "place of memory", based on Nora (1989).


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